Estimating extinction time using dodos as a case study

3 minute read


Estimating time of extinction using an optimal linear estimator

This analysis is recreating that made by Roberts and Solow (2003).


Going off Roberts and Solow (2003), if we let \(T_1 > T_2 > ... > T_n\) be the \(k\) most recent sightings of a species, ordered from the most to least recent, then we can use these observations to estimate, \(\hat\theta\), or the estimate time of extinction.

An important result is that of Cooke (1980), who showed the joint distribution of the \(k\) most recent sightings has an approximate “Weibull form”, regardless of the distribution of the (unknown) complete sightings record. The parameter, \(\theta\), is then optimal linear estimator for the extinction time.

The parameter, \(\theta\), is computed as the weighted sum of the sightings

\[ \hat\theta = \sum^k_{i=1} a_i T_i \]

Where \(a_i\) is a vector of weights, computed as

\[ a_i = (e^T \Lambda^{-1} e)^{-1} \Lambda^{-1} e \]

Where \(e\) is a vector of \(k\) 1’s, \(\Lambda\) is the symmetric \(k \cdot k\) matrix with typical element equal to

\[ \hat\lambda_{ij} = \frac{\Gamma(2 \hat\upsilon + i) \Gamma(\hat\upsilon + j) }{\Gamma(\hat\upsilon + i)\Gamma(j)}, j \leq i \]

And \(\Gamma()\) is the standard Gamma function.

Finally, \(\hat\upsilon\) is an estimate of the shape parameter for the joint Weibull distribution of the k most recent sighting times, and is computed as

\[ \hat\upsilon = \frac{1}{k-1}\sum_{i-1}^{k-2} log \frac{T_1 - T_k}{T_1 - T_{i+1}} \]

We an also compute 95% confidence intervals as

\[ \hat\theta_{95\% \;CI}= (T_1 + \frac{T_1 - T_k}{S_L - 1},T_1 \frac{T_1 - T_k}{S_U - 1}) \\ S_L = \Big(\frac{-log ( 1-\frac{\alpha}{2}) }{k}\Big)^{-\hat\upsilon} \\ S_U = \Big(\frac{-log (\frac{\alpha}{2}) }{k}\Big)^{-\hat\upsilon} \]

Example: Dodo

Let’s now apply this to the Dodo.

The last observations for the dodo, given in Roberts and Solow (2003), are

dodosightingtimes <- c(1662, 1638, 1631, 1628, 1628, 1611, 1607, 1602, 1601, 1598)

The optimal linear estimator, \(\hat\theta\), and the associated 95% CI are computed as

OLE <- function(data, alpha){
    ## sort the data and define a parameter for length (here k)
    obs <- rev(sort(data))
    k   <- length(obs)
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ## compute v, e, lambda, and a
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ## estimate the shape parameter of the joint Weibull distribution 
    ## 4th equation in Roberts and Solow 2003
    v <- (1/(k-1)) * sum(log((obs[1] - obs[k])/(obs[1] - obs[2:(k-1)])))
    ## define a vector of k 1’s
    e <- matrix(rep(1,k), ncol=1)
    ## Λ is the symmetric k x k matrix with typical element
    lambda <- compute.lambda(obs, v)
    ## make the Λ matrix symmetric
    lambda <- ifelse(lower.tri(lambda), lambda, t(lambda)) 
    ## vector of weights is given by: a = (e^t * Λ^-1 * e)^-1 * Λ^-1*e
    a      <- as.vector(solve(t(e) %*% solve(lambda) %*% e)) * solve(lambda) %*% e
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ## calculate confidence intervals
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
    SL     <- (-log(1-alpha/2)/length(obs))^-v
    SU     <- (-log(alpha/2)/length(obs))^-v
    lowerCI <- max(obs) + ((max(obs)-min(obs))/(SL-1)) ## lower confidence interval
    upperCI <- max(obs) + ((max(obs)-min(obs))/(SU-1)) ## upper confidence interval
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ## compute time of extinction
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
    extincttime <- sum(t(a)%*%obs)
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ## return a dataframe
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
    res <- data.frame(Estimate=extincttime, lowerCI=lowerCI, upperCI=upperCI)
    ##return the results

And \(\Lambda\) is computed using the function

compute.lambda <- function(dates, v){
  n      <- length(dates)
  lambda <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=n, ncol=n)
  for(i in 1:n){
    for(j in 1:n){
      lambda[i,j] <- (gamma(2*v + i) * gamma(v + j))/(gamma(v + i) * gamma(j))
OLE(data=dodosightingtimes, alpha=0.05)
##   Estimate  lowerCI  upperCI
## 1 1690.418 1669.133 1798.879

This is equal to the estimates of Roberts and Solow (2003): \[ Estimate = 1690\\ lowerCI = 1669\\ upperCI = 1799\\ \]